Imitations of Life’s Experiences
In her creative expressions, Kiera Yeck portrays life through a digital lens, emphasizing the intersection of the virtual and the reality. She captures the essence of existence, where daily experiences are often mediated by screens, social media, and technology.
Kiera's work reflects an awareness of how digital elements influence perceptions of reality. Through her art, she highlights moments of joy and despair, showcasing personal narratives that resonate within the context of a digital society.
In her storytelling, Kiera explores the duality of this digital existence: the convenience it brings, along with the resultant emotional complexities. Each piece serves as a mirror, prompting viewers to question their own interactions with technology and how it shapes their understanding of the world around them.
Doom Scrolling
Video, Premiere Pro, AI, Photoshop, Garage band
This video is a representation of our emotions constantly changing while scrolling through social media. We have become desensitized towards news we hear regarding death, war, politics, etc... We see a sad video and react in seconds then scroll to a funny video and change our emotions again. The woman in this video is AI generated and edited in photoshop to portray the emotions we experience on social media.
1N38hunDR3D(Estranged Planetoid)
Adobe Audition, Game Maker, Blender
This piece was a collaboration with two other classmates. We wanted to focus on the effects of capitalism from such a young age. We thought back on our childhood and remembered all of the stimulating commercials trying to sell us toys and video games. We can still remember the voice yelling at us to call a 1-800 number. From such a young age we are adapting to our economy craving new forms of entertainment. People talk about how capitalism is a bad thing, yet all of America is responsible for its success. We must look at ourselves in the mirror while we reprimand a system we nurture. In this piece, we have a virtual gallery that is documented in a physical gallery.
Never Born
We are uncreated and undestroyed. Our physical bodies occupy space, while our souls occupy the infinite vastness of the universe. This project is personal to me. I went to downtown Cincinnati to feel encompassed in a familiar environment, as I am from Columbus. I grew up going downtown and surrounding myself with art and culture. It has formed my interests in the arts as well as expressing myself in physical ways. I went to downtown Cincinnati to feel that sense of home. Although I was in a city, my mind and consciousness felt so far away. As I stand there in a familiar place, with an unfamiliar sense of space, I begin to feel nostalgia. I am brought back to my grandpa's backyard where there are acres of deer, trees, memories, and golf balls. I see my cousin, who recently passed, standing there surrounded by tall trees, like the tall buildings I am surrounded by in the present. He is radiating sunshine, giving me a sense of warmth. I indulge in this memory, embrace the feelings I gain. Although I am trying to capture that recognizable feeling of home in the city, in a physical place, my conscience takes me to a metaphysical space.
My cousin, Ryan, spoke about how our existence is not only physical, but it carries on into the universe. He wrote a song, and in it he says “we are uncreated and undestroyed. We were never born.” Our physical self decays on this earth, but our souls thrive, live, and carry on after this life. I want this series of photographs to express the dissociation of familiarity and nostalgia. It is not just our physical endeavors that make us who we are, but how our souls imprint on this earth. Our souls carry us through life.
This work has been exhibited at UC DAAP, Tabula Rasa Gallery
(Lacking) Soul of Place
Photography and Photoshop
This piece was to portray the soul of a place. In this case, I wanted to portray the lack of soul. I went around campus and took photos of empty classrooms. I wanted to capture the ambiance of emptiness and lack of human experience. Classrooms are where children's souls should be filled and nourished, and instead it has turned into a place to fear, and souls are taken. I wanted to create a series that emphasized the horrendous acts of gun violence, which is turning into a norm in society.